Here are some more bags the other girls at the retreat made.
These are the Big Zippered Carry Bags .
Well another reason for non blogging was I organised a retreat, which has now been and gone.! but it was very productive for all who went. We made bags and more bags and several lovely jelly roll quilt tops were finished. This is a lovely big bag made from charm squares, we also used a stiffer wadding, which gives the bag good stability. I now have this for sale.! the wadding that is.!
This is My jelly roll quilt I used Moda Natures Chorus and added borders. I will quilt this in a week or so when My visitors go home.!
I'm Back.!!!!!!!!!
Well has it really been nearly 2 months since I did a blog post, Oh dear where has time go .?? Well I went to New Zealand so here are a couple of photos of a lovely autumn spent there.
Beautiful Colours of the Leaves on the trees
Lemon and Paeroa, a yummy Lemon flavoured soft drink
Mum lives in Paeroa in the North Island the home of L & P as we called it when kid's.